
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bloom Box - The disruptive energy device by Bloom Energy

Bloom Energy a Silicon Valley based start up has created quite a stir in the energy industry. It is about to launch its Bloom Box - A fuel cell based energy technology which will generate relatively affordable and clean energy. Top companies like Google, eBay, Loakheed Martin, Walmart, and Bank of America are already testing the device. Impressive personalities like Collin Powel, Vinod Khosala, and John Doerr are on the board.The Company is developing the technology since last 8 years and is able to successfully develop a fuel cell that is efficient and requires relatively less maintenance according to K Sridhar, a former NASA scientist and CEO of Bloom Energy. 

$2 Billion in sales order in backlog
Bloom energy is making waves in top media like NY Times, CBS 60 minute and Greentech.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Though fuel cell technology is well know across the world, its relative high cost is the major barrier for large scale adoption.

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