
Monday, May 12, 2008

Mobile phone projector

Often many of us have pondered about Mobile's screen size. can it be larger, wider just like a TV or laptop? Though with emergence of iphone (touch screen mobile) like phone,we certainly have larger screen size, but, as we all know, the screen size can be as large as the phone only. Researchers, however it seems have found a solution by installing a micro projector in a mobile phone, which will project the screen on any surface. Thus a screen can be larger than the phone and a phone size can be as small as a button.

hmm.. the concept seems interesting. And, it is not just an idea anymore, companies have started working on this idea and they have rolled-out initial prototype as well. Light Blue optics (LBO) is one such start-up, which is working on this problem and may have such phone available in the market in very near future. Microvision is another such company,which is working on this issue and has unveiled an initial prototype at recent consumer electronics show.

The interesting questions though is, how this will revolutionize the mobile-phone technology, for what other purposes a mobile-phone will be used, how will this affect the business and ultimately our life?

According to me, the immediate uses will be for video, TV, photos, and internet. Though it is being used for all these purposes, it will gain wider user acceptance and will probably replace the PCs and Laptop. If the technology matures further, mobile may become all purpose device.

If mobile becomes all purpose device, most of the business, like buying products, credit card usage(we may not need a credit card), advertising, entertainment, news, will be happening on mobile platform. Imagine, how different the world would be! Get used to using mobile, PC may become obsolete.

Another interesting aspect is that similar to mobile screen projection, keypads can also be projected on any surface with such micro projector. This will literally transform a mobile into buttons. Looking forward to using a

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