
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Smart Grid - The Internet of the Electricity

Smart Grid is a nebulous term used to define collection of technologies, processes, and approaches, which will alter the whole Electricity Industries including the end users. The end users will no longer be passive players and will participate in the process as energy conservators, energy producers, smart consumers, and through many other ways. The Electricity all over the USA and throughout the world was designed 50 -60 years back. The electricity capacity and the network got expand as more growth demanded more energy, however, the Grid's overall architecture remained same with few technological changes.

US Dept of Energy defined following characteristics for the Smart Grid: "
  1. Informed, involved, and active consumers - demand response and distributed energy resources.
  2. Many distributed energy resources with plug-and-play convenience focus on renewable.
  3. Mature, well-integrated wholesale markets, growth of new electricity markets for consumers.
  4. Power quality is a priority with a variety of quality/price options - rapid resolution of issues
  5. Greatly expanded data acquisition of grid parameters - focus on prevention, minimizing impact to consumers
  6. Automatically detects and responds to problems - focus on prevention, minimizing impact to consumer
  7. Resilient to attack and natural disasters with rapid restoration capabilities"
Europe is leading the way in Smart Grid application. One of the Italian company has comprehensively installed Smart Grid for all consumers. However, Boulder, Colorado has begun the work and will be the first Smart Grid city in the world. The technology and system used at Boulder, Colorado is going to be way better than the Italian company.

According to Technology Review the network of sensors and control will provide detail minute level state of the Electric grid in real time. Which will allow to monitor the health of the grid and also measure the variations in Energy demand with respect to time and geography. It will be easy to Integrate various sources of energy located at disperse place including the buildings that generate electricity.

With the smart meters and smart grid the Utility companies can provide information of the energy price to the consumers, which will help consumer save money by using the heavy load equipment during normal or low usage duration. Simultaneously, it will save energy and reduce the cost for the Utility companies. For Example, if 250,000 Smart Cloth dryers were installed in consumers home,during peak periods it will offset the energy demand equivalent to an entire coal burning power plant.

Companies Operating in Smart Grid domain